We work to help people create a sense of well-being that remains steady despite the frustrating and unexpected challenges of life. Often, negative habits of thought and automatic reaction interfere with achieving happiness. ...

Psychotherapy, Marriage Counseling, Neuropsychological Assessment
Helping you engage in life, discover meaning, and reach your heartfelt goals.
After 25 years in practice, my work still enlivens me, and I am deeply committed to my patients. First and foremost, I am a humanist–I see life as a process of growth and development. I believe strongly in the resilience of the human spirit and our capacity to create a true sense of well-being. I am board certified in clinical neuropsychology, the specialty that focuses on brain-mind relationships. I am fascinated by the brain and what we are learning about the complexity and wonder of the human experience. Learn more …
We work to help people create a sense of well-being that remains steady despite the frustrating and unexpected challenges of life. Often, negative habits of thought and automatic reaction interfere with achieving happiness. ...
Counseling can help kids feel better about themselves, teach them skills to get along better with others, help them develop mature self-control, and improve ability to solve problems. Counseling can also help parents learn to ...
Unlike CT or MRI scans, which show what the structure of the brain looks like, neuropsycho-logical testing evaluates problems in brain functioning, examining how well the brain is working when it performs certain functions ...
Psychotherapy provides a safe, confidential, neutral relationship to explore what hurts. We sit together in a quiet space being present to whatever feelings comes up. The noise of the outside world is put on hold for an hour: no ringing phones, text messages, TV, or other distractions. This environment invites opening up the parts of ourselves we keep shut down, secret, or tied up in knots. Tears are likely, but so is laughter and joy. Therapy is not only about pain but also learning to live well with the inevitable difficulties that life holds, and finding the laughter that lives alongside pain. Learn more …
When a couple comes to couple’s therapy for the first time, emotions are often intense. I approach the first session with an attitude of “no blame.” Using a combination of questionnaires that assess your relationship ...
Mindfulness-based therapies are effective because they alter emotional responding by modifying thoughts and feelings that affect negative self-beliefs. By regular practice of the techniques in these structured sessions, you ...
We offer professional assessments for a variety of special situations. In each case, we conduct our assessments using the most up-to-date testing methods. We apply expert knowledge based on thorough familiarity with the ...
Psychologists help people cope with change in ways that enlarge and nourish them. Perhaps the most important thing we do is witness our clients’ stories by the deceptively simple act of listening and ...
It is not uncommon to have romantic fantasies about people other than your partner. It’s not just normal; it can even enhance your marriage—that is, unless those fantasies cross the ...
Being able to hold opposing emotions is one of the hallmarks of good mental health. Something can be both bitter and sweet, and we tend to feel that we must pick sides. To our confusion, we often ...
One of the most important skills you can learn to better manage conflict is how to make a repair AFTER you’ve had a fight, big or little. I’ll tell you right now, just saying you’re sorry is not going ...
Watch Dr. Susan O’Grady’s
Couples Counseling You Tube Series
Watch Dr. Susan O’Grady’s
Meditations and Guided Imagery You Tube Series
Some children are afraid to sleep alone. Despite reassuring words and checking under beds, your child can fall asleep only when you snuggle next to them at bedtime. Efforts to use reasoning to calm fears achieve nothing. Insisting on solo sleep may cause everyone’s patience to dissolve. Arguing and tears follow. In the middle of the night, more crying awakens you. Your child is now sleeping in your bed and cannot sleep alone.
Dr. David O’Grady developed the Goodnight Worry program in 2001, and over the years has refined this straightforward behavioral approach to solve this common problem. Learn More …
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